Wereldgezondheid - Deelname van Clément Beaune aan de eerste raadsvergadering van het initiatief « Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator » (ACT-A) (10 september 2020) [fr]

Clément Beaune, staatssecretaris onder de minister van Europa en Buitenlandse Zaken, verantwoordelijk voor Europese zaken, heeft vandaag deelgenomen aan de eerste raadsvergadering van het initiatief "Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator" (ACT-A), samen met de voorzitter van de Europese Commissie, de presidenten van Zuid-Afrika en Rwanda, de Noorse premier, de ministers van Volksgezondheid en Buitenlandse Zaken van andere lidstaten van de raad en de directeur-generaal van de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO).

ACT-A’s goal of an equitable global distribution of diagnostics, treatments and a future vaccine, and the strengthening of healthcare systems, is crucial to protecting populations. It is vital to global solidarity as well as health security – without universal access, we will continually face new waves. President Macron therefore issued a call to make the future Covid-19 vaccine a global public good to guarantee equal, universal access to all. That is the fight France and its European partners are engaged in.

To combat the Covid-19 pandemic on a global scale, on April 24 ACT-A was launched at the joint initiative of the French President, the EU, Germany and the WHO. France is contributing to its goals with a commitment of €510 million and reaffirms its support for this initiative, which represents a strong multilateral response to an unprecedented global health crisis. ACTA-A brings together all the major actors in the global health arena around an ambitious common goal: the development, production, and equitable and universal distribution of diagnostic tests, treatments and vaccines for Covid-19 and support for countries’ healthcare systems.

France welcomes the leadership and coordination of the WHO, the only universal health organization, along with Unitaid’s major contribution for diagnostic tests and treatments. The minister confirmed France’s policy commitment to support and promote ACT-A and its combined effort on tests, treatments, vaccines, and healthcare systems based on solid scientific expertise.

- Source: diplomatie.gouv.fr

gepubliceerd op 11/09/2020

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