Signature of an agreement between France and the International Criminal Court concerning the provision of Junior Professional Officers (The Hague, 17 December 2020) [fr]


On behalf of the French government, the Ambassador of France to the Netherlands, Mr. Luis Vassy, signed on December 17, 2020 an agreement on the provision of JPOs with Ms. Peter Lewis, Registrar of the International Criminal Court.

Through its participation in the JPO program at the ICC, France makes a human resources contribution to the Court and thus, contributes to the fulfilment of its mandate while offering young graduates of French nationality who already have professional experience, the opportunity to increase this experience and enable them to subsequently apply for international civil servant positions.

The conclusion of this agreement illustrates France’s continued and concrete support for the International Criminal Court. France, one of the largest contributors to the Court’s budget, has also made an exceptional voluntary contribution of 150,000 euros at the end of the year 2020 for the benefit of activities to promote cooperation by the International Criminal Court and to strengthen the capacity of States to prosecute the perpetrators of the most serious crimes.

These contributions demonstrate France’s full support for the mandate and action of the International Criminal Court as a central institution in the fight against impunity at the international level. They are in line with our mobilization within the framework of the facilitation of the Assembly of States Parties for Cooperation, which France co-chairs with Senegal.

gepubliceerd op 22/12/2020

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